Saturday's are pretty famous for epic nights. The one just been I would say is up there. Josh's 18th party at his whare, we got on the turps and had 0ne bloody good night!!! :D
It all start's off with Tiaki and Jules arriving at mine, loaded with some piss! Sweeeeeeet! My broski gives us a lift down there. We start on the drinks and socialising, outside for a smoke and what not I sit with the boys having a chat while they puff away. All good.
A few more friendly faces turn up, and things start to get pretty decent. Everyone is thoroughly enjoying themselves, everyone is chatting it up and on the bottle so spirits are good and high.
Hayston and those chaps arrive with their Irish billets, who seem to make the night complete. Ross Green (you good bastard) comes and gets to know us. Being in conversation with this bloke for only five minutes made me think I had known him for about five years. We got on like a house on fire.
Ross was the only billet getting in amongst everybody, and this was awesome. We were all cracking up with him, making him feel wanted and accepted into NZ :D We even sung Oasis - Wonderwall (which I might add, is a fantastic drunken anthem)
During the night everyone was getting on the bottle more and more, which adds up to some hilarious moments and drunken moments which you reflect back on and laugh about insanely!
Tiaki and I we're almost in a fight together, which I think back on and laugh about because after about 15 seconds of intense shoving we just started cracking up!
Overall, it was a top night. Happy Birthday to my main man Jay! 18 and never been kissed! ;p
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